On Friday, the 30th of January,
Keith and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.
Keith and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.
Throughout the day Keith and I sat together and reminisced
and reflected on the joys, the sadness and the hardshipsof our time together and thanked God for each other
and the time we have had together -
and the time we have yet to enjoy together.
I recalled the day. Wedding time was 3.30 in the afternoon.
Woke to a dull day and as I was sitting up in bed at 6.30am
(putting the final stitches into the hem of my ‘going away’ outfit
that I had made), my dad came in to me and said,
“It’s supposed to rain this afternoon”
and my reply was,
and my reply was,
“God won’t let it rain on my special day”.
And He didn’t!
And He didn’t!
I have a saying on a plaque hanging on the wall in the family room
and I have experienced the truth of it all my life.
It says -
Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will.
Over and over and over, time and time again,
He has shown His love for me.
I truly have an awesome Heavenly Father.
One of Keith’s reflections was how we were both nearly killed
in a head-on collision that very night.
It was almost midnight and we were travelling to Levin
in Dad Whiteman’s ‘flash, brand-new’ car which he had loaned to us
for our planned honeymoon travels throughout the North Island.
We were travelling along beside the sea at Pukerua Bay -
a concrete wall and high concrete edged footpath to our left -
when a car on the other side of the road began to overtake,
heading straight for us (I can still recall the headlights).
Keith braked hard and moved as far as he could towards
the concrete footpath edge, scrapping his dad’s car the whole length
of it and with God’s protection we were saved.
Keith reckons there was only a hair’s breath between us
and that overtaking car.
Today that piece of road has a central median barrier
between the north and south bound lanes so that no-one can overtake.
Throughout the years we have experienced and seen
God’s hand over us in so many ways
and we give Him all the thanks and praise.
A few more wedding pics to share with you.
The wedding party -
Groomsman - Martin Bennett (my brother)
Bridesmaid - Sandrea Dulieu (my cousin)
Flower Girl - Vicky Munn (Keith’s niece)
Groom & Bride - Keith (22) & Sherelyn (20)
Matron-of-Honour - Merrill Pepperell
(wife of my cousin, Kevin)
Best Man - Allan Whiteman (Keith’s brother)
Pageboy - Richard Munn (Keith’s Nephew)
Two families joined -
My Dad - Wilfrid Bennett
Keith’s Mum - Hilda Whiteman
My Mum - Edna Bennett
Keith’s Dad - Reginald Whiteman
I really wanted olive green for my bridesmaids -
but no-one had any such coloured fabric to buy!
I had to opt for apple green.
Vicky & Richard Munn
Brother & sister -
flower girl and pageboy
Keith’s niece and nephew
Vicky and Richard
are now grandparents!
My bouquet was not very large
as it was mounted on a little white booklet
that sits on my bedside cabinet today and has done ever since we were married.
This little booklet
the New Testament,
the Book of Psalms
and the
Book of Proverbs
from The Bible.
Book of Proverbs
from The Bible.
It was given to me (and one was given to each new girl)