Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Blog #10 - Lots of Happenings

Tuesday, 1 July 2014 ~

Each week of the month of June there was something happening.

On the Thursday of the first week several ladies
from the Dannevirke Probus Embroidery Group were due to came
to visit the Needlework Gallery to wander through the house,
enjoy some morning tea and to have a look at all the new items
that had arrived at the gallery and see all
the newly finished needlework pieces that I had done
since their previous visit. 

However, this did not happen due to an Aunty suddenly passing away
and so we had to go to a family funeral in Upper Hutt.

This is a photo
of Aunty Hannah
(Dad’s youngest sister)
reciting a poem
she had written
for Mum & Dad’s
60th wedding

One day of the second week little Tabitha
had to go to the vet for her little operation.
She was a bit subdued for a day or so
but was soon back to her mischievous self.

My little kitten feeling sorry for herself -

For four days of the third week a friend came to stay.
Wendy is about eight years older than myself
and she used to live next door to our family when I was growing up in Upper Hutt.

She always called me ‘pee-wee’ and I looked on her as a big sister
and she looked on my mum as her second mum. 
One of the reasons she came to stay was so that she could visit
with my mum at the Summerset Nursing Home every day. 
These were lovely days spent together but very different for me
as we were ‘out and about’ each day whereas I normally am a ‘home-body’.
One day this week Keith and I attended a meeting
at which the Israeli Ambassador to NZ was the guest speaker.
Very interesting. 
A thorough gentleman and very approachable and friendly.
Quite a privilege to meet him.
On the third Saturday of this month Keith and I travelled to Auckland
to spend some time with another childhood friend - Julie -
as she was to be celebrating her 65th birthday.
Julie and I were friends all through our primary
and secondary school years.

She used to bike to our home every morning
and then we would bike to college together.
A photo
of Julie and I
in 1964 -
our 4th Form year
at Heretaunga College.
Upper Hutt.

I had just turned 14
and this was Julie’s
15th birthday
and her last day
at school!

In fact she didn’t even stay
until lunchtime.
As soon as she had her
leaving paper signed
by the Principal -
she left / was gone.

She couldn’t get away
from school
quick enough
Julie and I at her home in Auckland.
She was just about to cut a birthday cake  given to her by another friend.
I think she was almost 20 when she married and
not long after that she and Dan moved to Australia.

Dan was the pastor of several churches there and
back here in New Zealand until he passed away about four years ago.
Before returning to Napier Keith and I visited the ‘Recollections’ shop
in Auckland - a store that specialises in new but old-style fixtures
and fittings suitable for old villas.

Bought some lovely items for the ensuite that is in the process
of being added to our home - a vanity unit, towel rails, etc.

The fourth week I attended an evening at which
representatives of ‘Moorcroft’, England spoke of their work
and involvement with the company. 

One was Elsie, the secretary of the Collectors’ Club
and the other was Vicky Lovatt, one of the many artists and
extremely talented designers.

Of course I
to purchase a piece for my mantelpiece  …..
in the Chocolate Cosmos series - piece number 138/12.
(The tallest piece pictured)
About six years ago I attended such an evening when the tube-liners
and the painters demonstrated their skills after a design has been traced
onto a piece of pottery.  This was fascinating to watch.

Then just a few years ago it was the artistic designer, Emma Bossons
who was visiting and demonstrating the process that is involved
with placing a design onto a piece of pottery once an artists design

has been chosen.
Once again I had to purchase a piece and I chose a piece
with one of Emma’s designs on it - Queen’s Choice.   (102/7)
She personally signed this piece for me.
(Bottom right-had piece pictured)
And so to the last Sunday of the month and another enjoyable
‘Get-together’ day for stitching at our home.  A lovely day.
And so another month passed.