Monday, 23 March 2015

Blog #22 - Decision : A New Sampler Project

Monday,  1 December 2014  -

In the middle of the month of November Keith and I went to stay
with his brother, Allan and his wife, Carol, at Levin for a night
as we had to attend the funeral of a brother-in-law’s mother. 
Stan and his wife, Dulcie (Keith’s sister) live in Canada
and so they had arrived in NZ for Stan to organise
the wonderful farewell tribute to his gracious mother -
a lady of almost 100 years of age who had spent many of her years
in love and service in India as a missionary. 
Early in the 1930’s her NZ fiancĂ©e travelled to India ahead of her
whilst she finished her nursing training in NZ and then she travelled
alone to meet him and be married there. 
Stan and his brothers and sisters were born in India
and lived there most of their childhood days.
Here is a photo of us with some of Keith’s family
before the funeral service -
Sister, Ngaire,
Carol & brother, Allan,
Stan & sister, Dulcie.




 And here is a photo of all the brothers and sisters
(taken on the same day) -

Mavis  &

Malcolm &
A wonderful family and one that I have been privileged to be a part of!
Yesterday was the last Sunday of the month
and therefore our usual ‘Get-together’ to sit and stitch and natter.
But it was also our final ‘Get-together’ for the year.
As always, a lovely day and I was SO spoilt as given
the most wonderful bag of gifts from the girls -
Christmas nibbles & treats, a plant for the garden and more …
I was overwhelmed by their unexpected gift and felt very humbled.
An awesome group of ladies whom I love.
During our time together, a decision was made as to which sampler
everyone wanted to stitch as a mystery sampler
and as a group in the new year. 
The one chosen was  ….  The Butterfly Sampler

This sampler has been designed by my friend ~ Linda Graham of Christchurch.
You may recall seeing some of her lovely needlework in the blog entitled -
The Labour Weekend Exhibition  (Blog #19).
Thank you Linda.     I know the girls will love stitching it! 
The Butterfly Sampler -
Fabric:                  Your choice.
                              Instructions will be given for 28 count and 35 count.   
Threads:                An overdyed / variegated thread of your choice.
                              Three  (3)  toning solid colours that are in the overdyed  -
                                          light,  medium  &  dark
                              Perle #8  &  Perle #12
                              Kreinik #4 Braid

Embellishments:     Mill Hill Beads  (& charms - optional)
Stitches:                Long Arm Cross,  Florentine/Bargello,  Queen,  Wave, 
                              Four-Sided,  Backstitch, Cross Stitch,  Hem, 
                             Algerian Eyelets,  Satin,  Running,  Rice,  Blackwork
                             and  Hardanger

I began stitching this sampler for myself many years ago in shades of blue
but never quite finished it.
During the days of November - before our get-together -
I finally completed it.
Here are a few glimpses at some of the areas in the sampler.
This sampler
has been
three times -
each time
in a different colour.
Twice by Linda -
in browns
and then greens -
and once
by myself
in blues.

Cross Stitch
Interlaced Hem
and more  ...

It is
to see the
different looks
by the use
of different
fabric &


And, as this is a sampler - it typically has an alphabet.

As with the previous two sampler projects, this sampler will remain a mystery
and the instructions and charts will be provided in six parts.
As each part is worked month by month the sampler will be revealed.

Beginning : 1st April 2015      /     Finishing :  1st September 2015

I do hope you can join us on next years journey.
If you think you would, please advise of your interest by emailing your name to:
and requesting that you be added to the contact list.
Doing so is not a commitment.
It will ensure though that you are contacted when the project is about to begin,
provided with details and given the opportunity/asked
if you would like to participate.
The cost of participation will be $45.00.
This figure does NOT include needlework supplies.
These are an additional cost and therefore
need to be purchased separately
or obtained from your stash.