Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Blog #30 - Sampler Frisien 1750

Saturday,  24 January 2015  -
If you have been following my blog, in Blog #21,
I showed a reproduction sampler I had previously put aside
but picked up again and was determined to finish.

This is how it looked on the 8th of November 2014 -

and this is how it looks today
and when I finished it just before Christmas last year -

I am 
with it.
I especially
love the colours
in it
as they are
MY colours -
and greens. 

And to make
this sampler
a little unique,
I have added
my name
and the
year date
in which 
I stitched it
the year
of 1750
in which 
it was 

This particular design is a reproduction of an original 
from the extensive private collection of my Belgium friend, Gigi.

If you would like to stitch this piece for yourself,
please request a copy to be sent to you.

Details are:

Design Title:
Sampler Frisien 1750




Other designs by Gigi R can be seen at:
and are available from:  Heirlooms

1821 Pakowhai Road,   RD 3,   Napier   4183,   New Zealand

Phone & Fax:  +64  6  878  1260

Email:  heirlooms@clear.net.nz   or

Email:  barberryrow@clear.net.nz

More sampler stitching news in my next blog.